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 4 Tips for Safely Securing Baron in League of Legends

The Baron is one of the more challenging objectives to secure in League of Legends due to its health and damage output.

When it comes to taking this major objective, you need to secure it safely to increase the likelihood of scoring a victory. Games are often won or lost at Baron because it can take a long time to kill and also deals a lot of damage.

In this Mobalytics guide by PicklePants, we will discuss some different tips you can use to secure the Baron in a way that will reduce the chances of the enemy stealing it.

As the map is equal on both sides, some of the information we are going to discuss can be transferable and be used for the Elder Dragon and the Dragon pit.

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1. Make Sure You Have Sufficient Vision Control

If you have read our in-depth warding guide, you would’ve heard the emphasis we put on making sure that there is enough vision around the objective.

Vision is incredibly important throughout the game as it can tell your team a lot of things. When taking the Baron, vision can allow you to take it safely by knowing where the enemy is at any given time.

Vision will prevent the enemy from sneaking up on your team-or, contesting the objective.

By knowing where the enemy jungle is, it will allow your team to reposition and block the enemy from being able to enter the pit.

Control Wards are incredibly essential to place inside the pit itself to cancel and block any enemy vision. If you didn’t know, Control Wards would block vision trinkets and wards.

This means that if the enemy places any vision directly inside the pit while you have a Control Ward in there, it will block vision shortly after it is placed.

When the enemy places a normal trinket or ward in the pit- do not start auto-attacking it as the enemy will be able to see the health of the objective which may allow them to steal it.

However, Control Wards do not deny or block other Control Wards. This means that the enemy will be able to see what is happening in the pit if one is placed.

If the enemy has placed a Control Ward in the pit, make sure to destroy it as quickly as you can so you can continue blocking vision.

Wards are not always going to be around the Baron pit. They can be in the river, or in your jungle too.

This is why it’s important to know how to seek and destroy more enemy wards. We’ve made a separate guide on how to deny vision if you’re interested in learning more.

As you can see by the image, you’ll need to have a vision in the enemies jungle to spot them before they are knocking at the Baron’s door.

This will give you enough time to decide on what to do when they get closer. For instance, you may try to finish off the Baron, or you can back off and retreat.

No matter what side of the map you are on, you will always want to prioritize having wards that are further out rather than close by.

This is because they will give you more time to react to the enemy.

Every ward you place should be in an area where the enemy could pass by it.

There is no point wasting award by putting it somewhere where the enemy is not going to be.

The areas we have suggested are not the only places you can ward, though. In most situations, a poor ward is better than no ward at all.

If you have any spare wards on your person, make use of them, and place them around the objective to make it safer to take.

2. Don’t Always Try to Sneak it

In lower ELOs, a lot of Barons are taken through pure luck and sneakiness rather than careful planning and macro. The higher up you go, the chances of a sneaky Baron capture is reduced because, in many situations, the Baron will be warded consistently after 20 minutes.

I recommend that you try to avoid sneaking the Baron in general because it can often go wrong and you may either lose the objective or your life.

You may also waste a lot of your time and fall behind in farm and XP because you’re trying to take the objective alone.

When you are sneaking the objective, the enemy may realize that your team is missing for an extended period and go and check the objective.

The Baron is not easy to take because of its tackiness, especially earlier on in the game when it first spawns. It can take quite a long time to burn down if you are alone or with a few members of your team.

If the enemy is aware of their surroundings, they will notice that you are or multiple members of your team are missing.

If the Baron is the only objective available, they would put two and two together and rotate to your location.

When you are trying to sneak an objective, you may not have the best of setups as you are trying to rush the objective and take it as quickly as you can.

This means that you may have little to no preparation time to ward around the object- which can cost you.

This can also mean that you do not take the time to clear vision around the objectives.

Instead of trying to be sneaky and secure the objective without the enemy knowing, put in the time and effort to make sure that the objectives will be safe and secure. You can do this by:

  1. Placing wards around the objectives to spot the enemy.
  2. Making sure that the pit itself is not warded by placing a Control Ward inside.
  3. Backing off if the enemy decides to rotate to the Baron.

Please note: If you can securely take the Baron, then sneaking is fine. But make sure that you have sufficient warding around the objective so you do not get wiped out by the enemy.

3. Be Ready to Turn When The Enemy Comes

If the enemy jungle is alive and nearby when you’re attempting to take Baron, they have the opportunity to steal the objective.

This can make securing the objective quite difficult because you have a 50/50 chance of coming out ahead, and realistically- it can go either way.

It is also made harder when the enemy is a higher level than you (as their Smite will deal more damage).

This is why it is recommended to either finish off the Baron before the enemy can get to your team, turn and fight them as soon as they enter the river, or just back off.

If you’re able to fight the enemy, it is good to stop taking Baron and fight them instead. When you are focusing objectives such as the Baron, your priority will be focused on the Baron itself, which leaves the enemy at full health.

The enemy would be able to unload damage on your team while receiving none in return.

If you are unable to fight the enemy, but they are coming towards you, it is important that you back off and peel away from the Baron and the enemy as a whole.

This is because they can win the team fight and then take the Baron afterward.

Make sure that you stay alive when the Baron is up as it will allow your team to be able to contest it. If you are dead, the enemy will be able to take it for free.

4. Know Your Smite Power

Smite is a necessity for every Jungler in the game. It has a direct impact on how your jungle, and move around the map. It will also drastically increase your chances of securing the Baron if used correctly.

Smite develops throughout the game, dealing more damage every time you level up. Theoretically, the later the game goes on and the higher level you’re, the more comfortable and safer it should be to take because you can Smite it at higher health.

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